June 2020

Taking care of emotional health during COVID-19

These are times of transition and adjustments. As people respond to current events, they must also be sure to take care of their own personal health.

At Cigna, we approach wellness in terms of a person’s total well-being. That means addressing five key dimensions of an individual’s health: Physical, emotional, environmental, financial, and social. COVID-19 has impacted each one of these dimensions of health for people everywhere.

Early on, it became clear that the effects of the pandemic would extend beyond physical health. First came social distancing. Then finances became an urgent concern. For many, their work environment fused together with their home environment. Everyone found themselves facing an altogether uncharted environment every day. All of these changes are naturally unsettling.

Although COVID-19 affects all five dimensions of health, emotional well-being has become a major concern. It’s more important than ever to remain resilient by protecting our emotional health.

Resources your clients can share with their employees.

To help with the emotional upheaval that many of us are feeling, Cigna created an online resource that focuses on emotional wellness during these uncertain times.

Your clients can provide their employees with access to tips, tools and information, including:

  • Psych Hub’s library of educational videos focusing on emotional health issues
  • Webinars on topics related to COVID-19
  • 24/7 behavioral support hotlines
  • Online support groups

We encourage you to copy and share this link with your clients, so they can pass it along to their employees.

Coronavirus Resource Center: Wellness, Mental Health, and Behavioral Resources

You can help your clients build a culture of wellness even during times of change. This podcast explores the upside of keeping employees engaged in their health and well-being.

Listen to podcast