June 2020

So, how are you doing?

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Cigna has provided information and resources to help your clients and their employees cope with the emotional impact of these uncertain times. We’re here for them, and we want you to know that we’re also here for you. We value your commitment to helping us provide health care services and we appreciate all you do.

So let us just stop and ask about you. How are you holding up?

If you’re feeling disconcerted or somewhat unsettled, you’re not alone. The adjustments people have had to make over the past several months can have an emotional toll.

Support for your emotional health.

We recognize there are physical, emotional, financial and social implications for everyone during this global pandemic. Here’s information you may find helpful for everyday challenges.

Practice self-care - Now more than ever, it’s important to take care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally. Learn how self-care can help you cope with uncertainty.

Reassure your children - Kids deal with fears and stress differently than we do as adults. Learn ways to help your children feel safe in these uncertain times.

Set yourself up for success - There are many things that can help make working from home easier and more productive. Here’s a checklist that can help, even if you’ve been working from home for a while.

We’re also committed to keeping you up to date and fully informed. That’s why Cigna created the Coronavirus Resource Center. It’s continually being updated to reflect the ever-changing reality we find ourselves in.

We hope you’ll take a few minutes to click through and focus on getting the support you might need for yourself in these difficult times.

Visit Resource Center