March 2021

A healthier workforce leads to a healthier economy

While the COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the world of work, it also presents new opportunities, according to a recent article in The Economist.

Now’s the ideal time for your clients to make health and wellness a priority for their employees. By investing in workforce health and vitality, employers are seeing encouraging results regarding their employees’ well-being. Employers are also enjoying a positive impact on their bottom line. The advantages of workforce wellness range from improved productivity and reduced absenteeism to a decrease in health care costs.

Combining medical, pharmacy and behavioral health benefits helps drive additional savings. In fact, for every dollar that’s spent on integrated health benefits, a U.S. employer saves on average $6 in overall medical costs.*

Learn how you can help your clients stay ahead of the curve and drive business prosperity and economic growth. Read The Economist article now.

* Press, Matthew and Livesay, Cecilia, (2019 December 13), “Integrated Care Opens New Doors to Mental Health, Addiction Care,” December, 2019. STAT.